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Subject Verb Agreement Rule with and

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar rule that dictates how the subject and verb of a sentence should agree, or match, in number and person. This rule is essential in ensuring that sentences are grammatically sound and clear to readers. However, when it comes to subject-verb agreement with conjunctions like “and,” many writers often get confused. In this article, we will explore the subject-verb agreement rule with “and” and provide you with some examples for better understanding.

When we use the conjunction “and” to connect two subjects, the verb should be plural to agree with both subjects. For example, “John and Mary are going to the park” is correct because both “John” and “Mary” are plural subjects, and the verb “are” agrees with them. Similarly, “The dog and the cat are sleeping” is also correct because both “The dog” and “the cat” are plural subjects.

However, if the two subjects joined by “and” are singular, the verb should be singular as well. For instance, “The boy and the girl is playing” is incorrect because the subject “boy” and “girl” are both singular, and the verb “is,” which is singular, does not agree with both subjects. The correct sentence should be “The boy and the girl are playing,” with a plural verb “are” to agree with both subjects.

When using “and” to connect more than two subjects, the same rule applies. The verb should be plural if all subjects are plural, and singular if all subjects are singular, such as in “The bird, mouse, and rabbit are eating,” or “The nurse, doctor, and surgeon is in the operating room.”

One thing to note is that if there is a singular and a plural subject joined by “and,” the verb should match the subject closest to it. For example, “The cat and the dogs are sleeping” is correct because the subject “dogs” is plural, and the verb “are” agrees with it, even though “cat” is singular.

In some cases, the subjects that are joined by “and” may be considered as a whole or singular entity, even though they are plural. For example, “Peanut butter and jelly is a popular sandwich” is correct because “peanut butter and jelly” are seen as a singular entity, even though both are plural.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential rule in grammar, and using “and” to connect subjects can be challenging. Remember to match the verb with the number and person of the subjects, and pay attention to the subject closest to the verb when there is a singular and a plural subject. By following this rule, you can ensure your writing is clear and grammatically correct.