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Pipsc Collective Agreement Health Services

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) recently ratified a new collective agreement with the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) on behalf of the Health Services Group.

The agreement covers over 14,000 employees working in various health services across Canada, including nurses, pharmacists, and laboratory technologists. The four-year agreement, which runs from 2018 to 2022, includes wage increases, improvements to benefits, and language that addresses workplace violence.

One of the key provisions in the agreement is a 6.5% wage increase over the four-year period. In addition, the agreement includes improvements to benefits such as increased coverage for mental health services and increased bereavement leave.

The agreement also includes language that addresses workplace violence, which has become a growing concern in the healthcare industry. The language requires employers to take steps to prevent workplace violence, including providing training and resources to employees.

One of the highlights of the agreement for PIPSC members is the establishment of a Health Services Group Joint Consultation Committee. This committee will provide a forum for members and management to discuss issues related to the workplace and to work collaboratively to find solutions.

Another important provision in the agreement is the establishment of a joint task force to address issues related to workload and workplace stress. This task force will be composed of representatives from both management and the union and will work to identify and address workload issues in the health services sector.

Overall, the new collective agreement between PSAC and PIPSC represents a significant step forward for healthcare workers across Canada. With its focus on fair wages, improved benefits, and workplace safety, the agreement provides much-needed support and resources to those who work so hard to keep Canadians healthy.