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Victorian Public Sector Enterprise Agreement 2020

The Victorian Public Sector Enterprise Agreement 2020 (VPSEA 2020) is a significant development in the employment landscape of the Australian state of Victoria. The agreement was reached after extensive negotiations between the state government and various public sector unions. The agreement covers around 50,000 public sector employees across various departments and agencies.

The VPSEA 2020 has several key features that are of interest to public sector employees and employers. One of the most significant is the pay increases that are included in the agreement. The agreement provides for a 2.5% pay rise annually, for the next four years. This means that public sector employees in Victoria will receive a cumulative pay increase of 10% by 2023.

In addition to pay rises, the VPSEA 2020 also includes provisions for improved job security and conditions for public sector employees. The agreement guarantees no forced redundancies for the duration of the agreement, as well as additional job security provisions for employees who have been with their employer for a certain length of time. The agreement also includes provisions for improved flexible work arrangements, parental leave, and other conditions.

The VPSEA 2020 also includes a range of provisions related to workplace health and safety. The agreement includes a commitment to improving mental health support for employees, as well as a range of other measures designed to support employee wellbeing. This includes measures to prevent workplace bullying and harassment, and provisions for improved access to training and development opportunities.

The VPSEA 2020 represents a significant advance in the employment conditions for public sector employees in Victoria. The agreement provides for improved pay, job security, and conditions, as well as a range of measures designed to support employee wellbeing. The agreement is an important step forward for the Victorian public sector, and a model for other public sector employers across Australia.