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Microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.git Checkoutconflictexception

As a copy editor with experience in SEO, I understand the importance of creating content that is both informative and optimized for search engines. In this article, we will be discussing the “microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.git checkoutconflictexception” and what it means for developers working with Git.

Git is a popular version control system used by developers to manage their code and collaborate with others. One common issue that developers may encounter when working with Git is a “checkout conflict,” which occurs when two users attempt to modify the same file at the same time. This can result in conflicting changes, which can be difficult to resolve.

The “microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.git checkoutconflictexception” is an exception that is thrown when a checkout conflict occurs in Git. This exception is part of the Microsoft Team Foundation Git Contracts library, which provides a set of APIs for interacting with Git repositories in Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).

When a checkout conflict occurs, Git will typically display an error message indicating that the file is locked and cannot be modified. The “microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.git checkoutconflictexception” can be used to catch and handle this error in code, allowing developers to implement custom logic for resolving conflicts.

To use this exception in your code, you will need to include the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Git.Contracts.dll assembly in your project. Then, you can catch the exception using a try-catch block and handle it appropriately.

For example, the following code snippet demonstrates how to catch and handle a checkout conflict exception:



// Attempt to check out a file


// Successful checkout – continue with code


catch (CheckoutConflictException ex)


// Handle checkout conflict – for example, prompt user to resolve conflict manually


In addition to handling checkout conflicts, the Microsoft Team Foundation Git Contracts library provides a number of other APIs for working with Git repositories, including creating and deleting branches, merging changes, and managing commits.

In conclusion, the “microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.git checkoutconflictexception” is an important exception for developers working with Git. By understanding how to catch and handle this exception in code, developers can implement custom logic for resolving checkout conflicts and better manage their codebase.